GOSH 2018:在深圳共享开放科学硬件的盛宴
时间:2018-10-13 来源:




The Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) is a diverse, global community working to enhance the sharing of open, scientific technologies. And the GOSH community will gather annually, to meet, discuss and explore new possibilities of achieving the goal of “making open science hardware ubiquitous by 2025”.


10月10日,来自34个不同国家及地区的100多名科学家、电脑技术流、艺术家、生物学家、教育工作者和创客等在清华大学深圳研究生院Open FIESTA中心参加第三届开放科学硬件创新营(GOSH)活动。他们是最活跃的全球思想领袖、开发者、研究人员、社区召集人和其他参与者,他们在学术研究、公民科学和教育等领域扩大开放科学硬件的范围。



Over one hundred scientists, hackers, artists, biologists, educators, communicators and makers from 34 different countries are meeting at Open FIESTA, Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, China, for the third edition of Gathering of Open Science Hardware (GOSH). They are active global thought leaders, developers, researchers, community convenors and other actors who can expand the reach of Open Science Hardware within academic research, citizen science, and education. 





Until October 13, they work towards scaling Open Science Hardware (GOSH) in all its forms and expand the OScH community. This is the third annual meeting of GOSH, and previously it was at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile in Santiago, Chile and at Ideasquare, CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.





The theme of this year’s GOSH annual meeting is “scaling hardware, growing community”, The programme is based around topic sessions, dynamic unconferences, and hands-on workshops.LEARN, GROW and SUPPORT are themes guiding group discussions, allowing exchanges of experiences on open science hardware, documentation and development for reproductible science, increasing equality of access globally, citizen and community science and more. On the first day, the participants started by co-designing the whole programme through an “unconference” procedure, which delivered 60 sessions on topics as diverse as open agricultural hardware, financially sustaining maker spaces, low tech science equipment, STEAM education, biohacking and ethics.









Hosted by: Shenzhen Municipal People's Government

Organized by: Shenzhen Industrial Design Profession Association (SIDA)

Co-Organized by: Gosh Community、Open FIESTA



 Event Info 





Time: October 14th 2018  (Sunday)

Venue: Bletilla, 5th Floor, Wongtee V Hotel, Shenzhen 








08:45-09:25  观众签到及入座

09:25-09:30  主持人开场及介绍演讲嘉宾

09:30-09:50 Jenny Molloy分享主题:Gosh:2025让开放科学硬件无处不在

09:55-10:15 Jorge Appiah & Harry Akligoh分享主题:非洲开放科学硬件活动

10:20-10:40 Shubhi Saxena分享主题,GOSH 2018讨论总结及亮点

10:45-11:05 Minerva & Ananda Gabo分享主题,把开放科学硬件向前推进: GOSH 2018年的计划

11:10-11:30 Rachel Aronoff分享主题:基因组完整性和公民科学的开源DNA损伤检测

11:30-12:00 Q&A,嘉宾全部上台

12:00-14:30  午餐及午休


Morning Session: About GOSH and Open Science Hardware to explain the main content and let Shenzhen understand the role and influence in the world!

08:45-09:25  Registration

09:25-09:30  Brief introduction of keynote speakers by Moderator

09:30-09:50  Speech by Jenny Molloy, Topic: GOSH: making science hardware everywhere by2025

09:55-10:15 Speech by Jorge Appiah and Harry Akligoh, Topic: AfricaOSH            

10:20-10:40  Speech by Shubhi Saxena, Highlights from GOSH 2018 Topic Sessions           

10:45-11:05  Speech by Minerva & Ananda, Moving open science hardware forward: plans from GOSH 2018       

11:10-11:30  Speech by Rachel Aronoff, Topic:open-sourcing DNA damage detection forgenomic integrity and citizen science

11:30-12:00  Panel discussion, Q&A

12:00-14:30  Lunch and rest






14:25-14:30  观众入座,主持人开场;

14:30-14:50 Felipe Fonseca, 分享主题:开源云P2P软件Subutai 物联网平台

14:50-15:10 Kaspar Emanuel, 分享主题:Kitspace: 一键点击开源硬件电子服务

15:10-15:30  JustinAhinon, 分享主题:AfricArxiv: 让非洲的知识生产在科学网络更加可见 

15:30-15:50  Fernan Federici, 分享主题:待定

15:50-16:10 Q&A

16:10-16:20  主持人总结讲话

16:20-16:30  合影留念


Afternoon Session: project presentations, such as open hardware project presentations, collaboration presentations, or something else, which are fun,engaging, and inspiring!

14:25-14:30  Brief introduction of project presentations by Moderator

14:30-14:50  Speech by Felipe Fonseca, Topic: Subutai IoT sandbox

14:50-15:10 Speech by Kaspar Emanuel, Topic: Kitspace: 1-click orders for open source hardware electronics

15:10-15:30 Speech by Justin Ahinon, Topic: AfricArxiv: Making knowledge produce in Africa more visible on the scientific web

15:30-15:50   Speech by  Fernan Federici, Topic: to be determined

15:50-16:10  Panel discussion, Q&A

16:10-16:20  Concluding remarks by Moderator


16:20-16:30  Group photo


– 开放科学硬件大会组织者对该活动和社区的分享
– 了解您如何参与进来并与社区协作
– 看到一些酷炫的项目,了解开放科学硬件在科研领域的应用
– 认识活动中多元文化和背景的人
– 与社区交流、建立联系


During the GOSH public event, you’ll be able to
– Learn about Gathering for Open Science Hardware from the organizers
– Learn about how you can participate and collaborate with the community
– See cool projects that used open hardware in scientific research
– Meet a diversity of people, like-minded and not-so-like-minded people
– Mingle with the community






Please note: 


each participant can enjoy a nice and free launch at the event venue. Click 阅读原文-read the original article to sign up~